Game of Thrones: Jon Snow will lead the army of White Walkers against Daenerys Targaryen and her Dragons

This theory posits that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, both Targaryens, will, by the end of the story be on two opposite sides, mirroring the Blackfyre Rebellion. 

Read my new theory – Starks are the White Walkers – HERE.
I am switching to the new blog HERE.



The prophecies are not to be taken literally.

With this being said, what strikes us, as very strange, is the strong parallel between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, which will be the focal point of this theory. They are born around the same time, in the aftermath of the Usurper’s bloodshed, and more importantly, in the aftermath of two Targaryen king’s deaths – Aerys and his heir Rhaegar. In order to follow us we have to go back to two very important events – Blackfyre and Baratheon Rebellion – and read the part of Elio’s and Linda’s text:

“When Daemon Blackfyre rebelled, nearly bringing down the reign of his half-brother (or cousin, depending on who you believed) Daeron the Good, he sent a man by the name of Quickfinger to try and steal away some eggs from the Targaryens, perhaps to serve as a symbol… or perhaps to try and wake them himself, to prove once and for all that he was the true king. After him, his son Daemon II tried to gain an egg and hatch it, believing that his dreams prophesied that a dragon would be born if he did; his plot fizzled, but a dragon was born, in a way, in the form of a more mature and subtle young Prince Aegon Targaryen who would one day be king. As it happens, that particular dragon egg disappeared from Whitewalls, probably falling into the hands of the alleged-sorcerer called Bloodraven, a descendant of Aegon the Unworthy and at the time the Hand of the King. What became of that egg? Its description rather closely matches one of three eggs presented to a certain young Targaryen bride, on the day of her marriage to a certain Dothraki warlord….


Perhaps the most important of these past efforts to raise a dragon, in terms of its impact on the present timeline, was Summerhall. The palatial summer residence of the Targaryens, raised by Daeron the Good at the juncture of the Reach, the stormlands, and Dorne as a sign of the peace had brought about, is in the present time a burned-out ruin. “Summerhall” is a name full of tragic connotations in the Seven Kingdoms, all thanks to that dream of dragons. It seems Aegon V the Unlikely, that same young Prince Aegon from years before, attempted to raise one or more dragons only for catastrophe to strike. Aegon died, and his son Prince Duncan the Small, and perhaps also the Lord Commander of his Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall. Jenny of Oldstones, Prince Duncan’s lover or wife, became the subject of a sad song, dancing for her ghosts… and when the ruin came, a kind of dragon was born, the last dragon according to some: Prince Rhaegar. Summerhall marked his birth, and it marked all of his days after that, leading him onto a path he thought was destined.”

Therefore, Aegon V the Unlikely and Rhaegar Targaryen are two “dragons” heralded by a tragedy. Why is this important? Many have, as we know, tried to awaken the dragons from stone, and many have failed. We believe a “true dragon” has the ability to do so, but only under the right circumstances. Death of Aegon the Unlikely and his son, and heir, Duncan the Small, enabled the Mad King Aerys to ascend the throne, which lead to familiar sequence of the events that consequently spawned Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. Therefore, being a “true dragon” is only one condition met. In order to give the birth to a dragon (mythical creature), according to the prophecy, one has to perform a sacrifice under the bleeding star.


Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen are, following this analogy, also “dragons” born amidst a tragedy, from the deaths of Targaryen King/Prince soon to be the King, but this time born around the same time, unlike in earlier examples. Both Jon and Dany are stranded in different parts of the world, going through hell, unable to directly participate in the events taking place in Westeros. However, they are privy to certain events that are of greater importance to the whole picture and end goal: Daenerys is (a) grooming the dragons that have not been seen in centuries and no one believes in; Jon is (a) in the possession of an albino direwolf, a creature also not seen in ages; (b) a warg; and (c) fighting the White Walkers that were not seen in 8000 years and again, creatures, needless to say, no one believes in.

So, the quick summary of the things Daenerys and Jon Snow have in common:

(1) born in the tragedy, within months, probably from the same Targaryen lineage;

(2) unable to participate in current events and cast out by the rest of the Westerosi;

(3) privy to certain events and having the knowledge about certain creatures first hand, something the other Westerosi could only dream of;

(4) they both experienced a certain form of death (will Jon survive is yet to be found out) that had/has the potential of liberating and giving them the confidence needed to grow; and last but not least

(5) they are both “true dragons” born from Aerys/Rhaella’s lineage.

Now for the differences.

(1) The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword

In the Game of Thrones pilot, right after the introduction to the Stark children, we saw Lord Eddard Stark dispatching some Northern justice. In front of his ward Theon, the bastard Jon, and his sons Robb and Bran, Ned took off the head of an Night’s Watchman, a deserter, modeling for the boys exactly what it means to be a Stark, a Warden of the North, and a good leader. “Do you have to?” Catelyn Stark asks to which Ned replies, “He swore an oath” and Ser Rodrik Cassel adds, “Law is law, milady.”

“Don’t look away,” Jon counsels Bran, “father will know.” Later, Ned checks in with his youngest making sure he understands a pivotal lesson: “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” And as the show echoes this scene over and over we see how Ned’s introduction, as a good and strong leader, reflects on the men and women who continue to strive and fail to take up his mantle.

The scene is echoed a few episodes later in Season 2 when Robb is also faced with a traitor. Robb, we’re meant to believe, does most things right here. He has the law on his side (Lord Karstark killed two young captive Lannister boys without Robb’s permission) and his father’s determined swing. Kinslaying (the Karstarks and the Starks are distant relatives) is frowned upon, but even though Karstark curses Robb –– who was already losing the confidence of his men – it was love, not this execution, that did Robb Stark in. The legacy of the King in the North lives on in the hearts of the people as evidenced by that loyal letter Lyanna Mormont sent Stannis last week.

There was one more near-beheading in Season 2 from the third young man who saw Ned Stark swing his sword in the pilot. That would be a younger Jon Snow who wasn’t quite ready to pick up the Stark mantle when confronted with the wildling Ygritte. I’m not sure we want to fault him for that, though. His compassion for the wildlings is part of what makes him such a good Lord Commander. In Season ,3 in front of the Nightfort, Jon is tasked with cutting the head of a prisoner to prove his loyalty to the Wildlings. He can’t do it. He is not the man who past the sentence. This act of honor almost cost him his life.

Those are our Season 2 and Season 3 parallels, but back in Season 1, Ned’s first act is bookended by his last as the boy king Joffrey has him publicly beheaded. Like Theon Joffrey breaks an oath. He swore to Sansa that her father would be pardoned and sent to The Wall if he confessed. And Ned confessed. The charges against Ned are false so Joffrey doesn’t even had the letter of the law on his side, let alone the spirit of it. Lastly, of course, Joff doesn’t swing the sword himself but has his executioner Ser Ilyn Payne do the job. Joffrey lost the hearts of his people for many reasons, but this moment was certainly one of them. In short, Joffrey is everything Ned is not. But this we already knew.

So what are we to make of Season 5 revisiting this familiar scene? And what are we to make of Dany who may (may) have had the law on her side but had Daario swing the sword instead of doing the dirty work herself? Even worse, she flinched and looked away.

If she meant this moment as a show of strength, it came off as quite the opposite. Dany is used to the dragons being her weapon and her shouts of “Dracarys” being her burly sword arm. Without her weapons or the conviction to wield them, Dany’s rule is in serious trouble.

But the opposite can be said for Jon. It’s probably not quite fair to draw a direct parallel here. Mossador, Dany’s victim, was a somewhat sympathetic young man whereas Janos Slynt is an absolute weasel. Nonetheless, there was Jon with only a little falter in his swing, slicing his own Valyrian steel sword through the air. He had the law on his side and gave Slynt plenty of opportunity to reconsider before breaking his oath and defying the Lord Commander. He didn’t fail to follow through, as he did with Ygritte, and he didn’t burn Slynt alive in a showy way like Stannis. He did it the old way. The way his father taught him. And in that moment Jon Snow was every inch a Stark, no matter what his birth certificate (or lack thereof) says.

(2) The hero’s journey

Jon Snow is the only character, featured prominently in both the books and the show, whose plot arc so far very much follows the traditions of heroic fantasy. For one thing, he’s a bastard. Sure, he’s the illegitimate son of Ned Stark (or is he), Lord of Winterfell, and was raised with all kinds of perks compared to most people, but his relative isolation is made very clear from the beginning of the series. Catelyn Stark, Ned’s wife, treats him terribly. Due to this, he never eats with his family or attends the parties. He feels alienated from his family. Therefore, eventually, Jon goes to the Wall where he joins the “noble” Night’s Watch. As Ramsay Bolton of all people observed in episode seven, Jon has done very well for himself indeed, rising to great prominence as the lord commander. He was even offered Winterfell itself by Stannis. Though, due to his honor and the vows he gave in front of the Old Gods, Jon heroically turned it down.

In fact, much of Jon’s story has followed the classic hero’s quest. He leaves town and goes on a journey, first to Castle Black, and then out with the expedition into the North. There, he gets cut off from his companions and is taken prisoner, kills his superior Qhorin Halfhand (at Qhorin’s command, so that Jon can infiltrate the Wildlings), confronts supernatural forces in the North, falls in love Ygritte, with whom he gets to have sexy times in a hot springs. Later, he betrays Ygritte in order to remain honorable, is elevated to command the defense of Castle Black against a vast force, and is even rescued by the unexpected arrival of the king. Then he puts his own life into jeopardy for the cause he truly believes in – building the first glimmer of an alliance between peoples who have been warring for centuries. And he succeeds. There he meets the Night’s King, the current leader of the White Walkers, who takes a keen interest in our hero. The show has put a lot of effort in portraying this interest for us. They gave us the glimpse of what we might discover in the upcoming books. White Walkers do not kill Craster’s children and White Walkers have a goal. This goal is not murdering every living creature in the North. If this was the case the short distance between the Night’s King and Jon Snow would not be an issue. No. He observed Jon. He was intrigued by him and yes, wanted Jon to see it for himself. This of course happened only mere days before his own “brothers” – men he fought for, men he betrayed Yigritte, the woman he loved, for, men he protected, men he trusted – murdered him in cold blood. Among Game of Thrones characters, his alone is the heroic arc.

(3) Political abilities and diplomacy

I think this doesn’t need the further elaboration.

(4) Hypocrisy

Daenerys insists that  “there are no more slaves. There are no more Masters,” and therefore the justice that is inseparable from freedom means meting out the same punishment to a slave striking back as the murderer of an ex-slave. But as Mossador reminds her, is it truly justice to treat both sides in a civil war equally, when one side “lives in the pyramids” and the others in the streets? On top of everything she has men working for her in exchange for food and shelter and no salary. Isn’t this still a form of slavery?

(5) Secret identity

What’s more, Jon may have a secret origin story, concealed even from him, that oft-employed device in speculative fiction (think Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, another hero following the classic quest narrative). The books and show have been very coy about Snow’s parentage, a move that would be pretty anticlimactic if it turned out Ned Stark—violently against his character—had a roll in the hay with some farm girl or serving wench. Fan theories abound, and if any of them are true, it only confirms the sense that he’s the one true hero of the series. His ancestry has been concealed from those around him, ready to be revealed at just the right dramatic moment.



The Blackfyre pretender had a dream that a dragon would hatch at Whitewalls. Egg turned out to be that dragon… Targs are known for dreams such as that. Aegon believed that The Prince That Was Promised would come from Aerys and his sister. We posit a theory Aegon knew he had a role to play in fulfilling this prophecy. Then he had a dream that a dragon would hatch at Summerhall. Rhaegar was born at the night of the Sumerhall Tragedy. We think Rhaegar also knew/dreamed that Aegon died so he would bring a true dragon into the world. Rhaegar always had a special/strange connection with Summerhall. When he dreamed that he would need to be a warrior to fulfill the prophecy he went to the yard the next day. So, it is our belief, that Rhaegar dreamed that Jon would be The Prince That Was Promised and that’s why he took Lyanna, started a war, left 3 kings guards at the Tower of Joy to protect Jon and Lyanna, so he would die in peace on the Trident. Therefore, in our theory we posit that Jon Snow is TPTWP, the son of ice and fire (Ice being the House Stark – The North and Fire being the House Targaryen – The South, only two magical houses in Westeros). This is the duality of Jon Snow that we will attempt to elaborate further.

The last time we saw Jon Snow was in ADWD where he was repeatedly stabbed by his brothers of the Night’s Watch and is currently presumed dead. However, since no other character in the book witnessed his death, it is safe to say that Jon Snow lives.

The brining back to life can happen in few possible ways:

01. Melisandre will use the Red God to bring him back, much in the same way Thoros brought back Dondarrion, which will take a little piece of Jon’s humanity

02. Melisandre used her magic to glamour Jon Snow making him appear as someone else to the brother’s of the Night’s Watch (Rattleshirt/Mance case). Hardly unlikely for several reasons: the title of the chapter said Jon Snow and not Lord Commander; Jon’s final thoughts wandered of to Arya, Needle and the last thing he told his sister “stick them with the pointy end“. Why would someone who is not Jon think of Arya and Needle during his final moments. Makes little to no sense. Jon Snow was the person who got stabbed.

03. Jon wargs into Ghost in the nick of time. Considering that Jon will,  in this particular case, be alive for a short period of time (a dead warg that inhabits his animal slowly begins to die out within the animal he warged in) it stands to reason that Jon’s Ghost life will only be temporal, that is until he finds the way to re-enter his human body.

04. Bloodraven planned this all along (possibly with Shiera Seastar) by warging Mormont’s raven and making sure Jon is elected for Lord Commander, which eventually lead to his death. We believe he is grooming him for command, literally. Also, nice foreshadowing. What the command is we do not know because we don’t know much about Blodraven’s agenda as it is. Does he work for the WW? Does he want to establish the Blackfyre Royal Targaryen line as the revenge against being sent to the Wall? Or he wants something else completely? If so, Jon, being again the bastard son of a Targ fits nicely into this story.
So how will this play out? Two words: Theon Turncloak.
There is a debate going on as to who is the ghost from the ADWD chapter “The Ghost of Winterfell”. Some say it is Benjen Stark,  some say it is Theon Greyjoy’s split personality… I say it is twofold. The “Ghost of Winterfell” (as in hooded man who goes around killing Bolton men) is one of the Northerners loyal to the Starks. But. “Ghost of Winterfell” is also Theon, simply because this is his POV chapter.  This means that the title itself foreshadows development of Theon’s character arch that will end in death making Theon another one of Wintefell’s Ghosts. To what end? For one, Theon has suffered enough. Clean death would be a nice way to end his life. And if his death can aid a sorcerer from North of the Wall in resurrecting one of the remaining Stark children, his debt will truly be paid. Bloodraven, with the help of Bran, who’s been communicating with Theon via Weirwood tree (ADWD) and ravens (TWOW), will use Theon’s beheading (suggested to Stannis by Asha in TWOW) as the blood sacrifice and a retribution for Eddard Stark and his boys, to raise Jon from dead.  “There is power in king’s blood” and a reason why the last image Bran Stark saw through Weirwood in ADWD was the blood sacrifice. Death for Life.

We believe it is the fourth possibility because we believe his rebirth amongst smoke (Jon Snow’s smoking wounds) and salt (The Wall is salty and Bowen Marsh’s tears should not be neglected either) will awake a dragon or dragons. Being born amidst the smoke and salt screams the name of Azor Ahai. So, we hypothesize AA and TPTWP are one and the same (one person different name), however Jon is born with the potential of being both. Both what? The last hero that saves the world and a champion of the alleged enemy he needs to fight in order to do so. Stay with us.

In Melisandre’s prophecies she calls for Azor Ahai but all she sees is Snow. This bares both metaphorical and literal meaning. All she sees is Snow as in Jon Snow – this is the allegorical meaning; all she sees is snow as in snow (atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals) – this is the literal meaning that tells us more about the ending scene, as seen in the House of Undying (in the show). Furthermore, in her flames she saw a “wooden face, corpse white, thousand red eyes and a boy with the wolf’s head”, she believes these are the Great Other’s champions. We believe one of these, besides the Bloodraven and Bran Stark, will end up being Jon Snow reborn (Wooden Face – Bran Stark, Thousand Eyes and One – Bloodraven, Boy with the Wolf’s head – Jon Snow)

This duality of Jon Snow we are talking about does not reside only in his parent’s lineage (Stark + Targaryen) but is in fact twofold, which has already been foreshadowed by his unique storyline:

-he was born a bastard but raised as a noble;

-he is the outcast in the Night’s Watch same as everyone else yet he is trained by the master-at-arms unlike everyone else;

-he is the brother of the Night’s Watch yet he became a Wildling too;

-he became the part of the Wildling Bunch when he broke his oath betraying the Night’s Watch yet he betrayed the Wildling Bunch for the oath he gave to the Night’s Watch.

This shows us that he not only can fight for both sides, depending on the context he is found in but also that he follows his own sense of morality and logic.

UPDATE: “He always comes back” is the line Sam Tarly said during the last season. Comes back as what? First time he came back he was a Stark and a bastard boy (after his attempted desertion). Second time he came back he was a Wildling and a boy in love (after his infiltration with the enemy). Third time he came back he was a Brother and a savior of the Wall in the good grace of a King (after the negotiations with Mance). Fourth time he came back he was the Lord Commander and a man who finally saw the Walkers first hand (after Hardhome). Fifth time? He died. So, what is he going to be when he comes back?


Now indulge us for a moment. What if we got it backwards?

What if White Walkers wake up every time Azor Ahai, is reborn, and not vice versa – he comes when they are awakened? More on that later.

As for the Lightbringer there are several possibilities. First comes first, Stannis wields the false Lightbringer. So who has the right sword? Some even say the Lightbringer is not necessarily a sword. Let’s go over what Lightbringer is or is suppose to be: it is a means of fighting the WW; it means fire; it is forged in a sacrifice of the loved one…
Some say the Lightbringer are dragons, which perfectly fit the profile. They can easily fight WW, they are fire and they are forged in three sacrifices: Miri Maz Dur’s and Drogo’s death and Dany’s rebirth. One sacrifice for one life.
Some say the Lightbringer is Night’s Watch, which also perfectly fits the profile. Night Watch is established in order to protect the realm (from White Walkers), they are “sword in the darkness”, and they are more or less forged in a self-sacrifice, or at least they used to be…now, for the most part, it is an order of thieves, rapists and criminals in general.
Or, Lightbringer is a sword that does not posses its abilities yet.

In his dream, Jon sees himself holding the red burning sword in his hands. He is dressed in black ice and he is fighting the dead on top of the Wall. In her prophecies Daenerys sees a Blue-eyed king that cast no shadow, with a red flaming sword in his hand on top of the Wall.


We hypothesize that only one of them, Jon or Daenerys, will, in fact, fight the doom, saving the world from the eternal darkness. And now comes the twist, the doom will, contrary to the popular belief, not come from the White Walkers, but instead from Daenerys Targaryen. And no, we do not believe Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow will meet, fall in love and rule Westeros happily ever after, reestablishing the Targaryen lineage. No, we do not believe Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow are the Song of Ice and Fire. With this being said, we strongly believe Jon Snow will lead the army of White Walkers…and ironically, mirroring the scene from the beginning of season 3, he will fight, to use his own words, “the side that fights for the living” but it in reality the side he will fight for it is the side that fights for the life. In this way we will have a rightful Targaryen fighting a bastard Targaryen, mirroring the Blackfyre Rebellion but on a whole new level.


And how does one fight the dragon?  Well, with another dragon.



According to the story there were originally five dragon eggs. Ilyrio Mopatis gave three to Daenerys as a wedding gift. Brynden “Bloodraven” Rivers presumably has another in his possession. The location of the fifth one is unknown (possibly at the bottom of the sea according to Greyjoys). If Bloodraven has the dragon egg, and if Jon Snow is a Targ by blood (bastard or not), this would explain Bloodraven’s interest in Jon Snow, which brings us back to the fourth possible rebirth of Jon Snow in the upcoming book. So far we know that Valyrian blood is somehow tied to the dragons (via bloodmagic), which enables Targaryens to tame them. Starks are descendants of the First Men, able to warg other living entities and bond with direwolves. If Jon Snow is both, and if his rebirth is of any importance, and we believe it is, it is possible that the duality he carries within himself can make him fit for awakening both types of dragons: (1) dragon from stone Melisandre is talking about, which is probably not hidden at the Dragonstone but is instead in Bloodraven’s possession; Euron’s egg, which he claims he tossed into the sea (see Patchface) and (3) the ice dragon.

As for the first type, the best evidence we have is Bloodraven’s particular interest in two particular Stark boys: Jon Snow (via Mormont’s raven) and Bran Stark (via three-eyed raven). This is a tricky part now because we don’t know Bloodraven’s agenda. If he wants Jon dead then everything Bloodraven did has lead Jon to that path except Jon will be reborn. Being the last greenseer he surely knows past, present and future, meaning he will know that Jon will be reborn, therefore, the only conclusion we can draw from this sequence of the events is that Bloodraven needs Jon Snow reborn and in order to be reborn Jon Snow needs to die. Bloodraven is therefore well aware of that especially if he is in the possession of the infamous dragon egg. He needs Jon to literally wake the dragon from stone and he also did promise Bran that he would fly.


Ice dragons may have never existed except in the fairytales. There is a constellation of stars named the ice dragon to the north. Its blue eyes points north. According to GRRM’s children’s novel titled The Ice Dragon a little girl Adara, the protagonist of the story, is born in the long winter, during which the worst freeze had taken place that anyone could remember. Her mother died giving birth to her. Adara loved the winter and felt attracted to the cold. She preferred to play with snow and ice and ice lizards. Her skin was always cold to the touch. She felt that the ice dragon had always been in her life. When she was four years old she touched the ice dragon for the first time. She rode upon its broad, chilled back for the first time in her fifth year. The people of her town feared the ice dragon. It is said that it is a creature of legend and that no man has ever tamed one. When it flew overhead, it left a desolate cold and frozen land. But Adara was not afraid of the ice dragon, for she was a north, winter child. When she was seven the fiery dragons from the North came and swoop down upon the peaceful farm that is Adara’s home. She and her ice dragon flew towards them and the ice dragon fought the other dragons in order to protect Adara and her family. The ice dragon defeated the fire dragons, but afterwards he was nowhere to be seen, only a pond that had never been there before, a small quiet pool where the water is very cold. After the disappearance of the ice dragon the cold left Adara and she was then finally able to smile, laugh and weep like other little girls.

As for the Westeros and A Song of Ice and Fire saga, until recently we only had few mentions of them and only from Old Nan who used to tell tales of the ice dragon to the Stark children. In the new book about history in Westeros, there is a mention of Ice Dragons that live up North close to the Shivering Sea. According to history and tales, these dragons are twice the size of the fiery dragons and they breathe cold instead of fire. There is no mention of the Valyrians taming ice dragons although they did tame fire-breathing dragons.

Upon the stabbing at the Wall, all Jon could feel was the cold. This might not mean anything but it also can mean several things. It can mean he is simply dying, or that he is feeling the cold consuming his body or he is in his dire wolf  or White Walkers are near. What will happen to his body is also a subject of debates. The Night Watch can burn it, out of the fear that he is not touched by the WW magic or they can throw him into the Ice Crypts beneath the Wall. We believe Jon’s body will end up there where he would eventually “resurrect” being thus symbolically “born” during the cold winter, with his skin cold to touch. Both fire and ice seem a right fit. However, Bran sees only the ice.

Finally he looked north. He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal, and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed, his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him.


Again, following Dany’s analogy from book one/season one, where she was forged in fire, Jon Snow will be forged in ice beneath the Wall, when a new, full grown dragon, made of ice, will come to life from the Wall itself. Needless to say, we strongly believe the Ice Dragon is part of the Wall a mysterious magical ice block that supposedly can be crumbled to awake “giants” and we believe Jon Snow is the one that will breathe the life in it.


According to the legend the Others first appeared approximately 8,000 years before the War of Conquest, during a winter that lasted a generation in a period of darkness known as the Long Night. A great hero, known in the eastern religion as Azor Ahai, led the war against the Others wielding his sword of fire Lightbringer, driving the Others away. Eventually they were defeated and Bran Stark, known also as Bran the builder, probably as a defense against them, built The Wall (we believe the opposite). The Night’s Watch was established around the same time to stand guard and protect the people of Westeros. In the Westerosi tradition it is believed that Azor Ahai may be the last hero who would be reborn when the White Walkers wake up from their thousand of years long sleep. Melisandre believes Stannis Baratheon is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, something that is yet to be confirmed. Also, there is another similar prophecy about the Prince that was promised. It is not clear whether or not this is one and the same person. Melisandre also believes that the Others answer to the Great Other, the God of darkness, cold and death. He is considered the enemy and the opposite of R’hllor, the Lord of Light. Followers of R’hllor believe, unlike many Westerosi, that there are only two gods, R’hllor and the Great Other who wage an eternal war over the fate of the world.


We hypothesize Bran the Builder built The Wall not as a potential defense against the White Walkers but as a defense against humans and as an obvious hideout for the awaiting dragon. Not much is known of the White Walkers, their purpose or the agenda. In one interview the writer himself said the fans misunderstand the White Walkers and instead of zombielike horde they are these beautiful elflike creatures made of ice. They are a unique form of civilization (they have developed their own language which is the first sign of civilized society) that, to our understanding, has the goal of restoring the balance in the world via the means of the nature. Also, it is a metaphor for the present state of increasing climate change, at least how we see it. Nature strikes back restoring the balance to the world.


In the last battle for the dawn, Azor Ahai pushed White Walkers back, which lead us to the sequence of the events we know now. However, the possible misconception is the purpose of The Wall and the purpose of the Starks, Bran the Builder included. We believe that The Wall is forged as a potential weapon, which will aid the White Walkers in their cause, same as the weapon in the form of dragon eggs awaited for the R’hllor’s champion to be reborn. Needless to say, The Wall is, as we know it, alive, therefore, we do not believe The Wall conceals the egg but a full-grown Ice Dragon.


While the “stone dragons” are pretty easy to write off (Melisandre could just be misunderstanding fossilized eggs), the “ice dragons” seem to be mentioned too often to discount. If the great battle ends up being the force of fire/dragons/Daenerys versus ice/the White Walkers/Jon Snow, could it be possible that the White Walkers will become Jon Snow’s army and will use the ice dragons to fight for their side? Melisandre is adamant that the Horn of Joramun must never be blown, or disaster will fall… “The Horn of Joramun? No. Call it the Horn of Darkness. If the Wall falls, night falls as well, the long night that never ends. It must not happen, will not happen!” Melisandre is petrified with the possibility of Wall coming down, not because nothing will stand in between the White Walkers and the rest of the realm but because of what comes with this crumble. Fire, dragonglass and VS blades can easily defeat White Walkers on their own, but if the dragons, controlled and lead by The Prince That Was Promised aid them in this cause they will triumph in the end, which explains why Melisandre only sees Snow. She prays for glimpses of Azor Ahai but all she sees is the snow, again, not because Jon Snow is the champion of R’hllor but because Jon Snow will defeat the champion of R’hllor, Daenerys Targaryen, restoring the balance to the world. In other words, by the end most of the mankind will die making the room for the new world to arise, which is precisely what Daenerys saw in the Throne Room.


Melisandre fears this, understandably. But there is something else, or better yet, someone else Melisandre fears too…



Patchface was in his youth a clever boy with astonishing wit, however after the accident at sea his mind and body got broken. Able to sing prettily in 4 tongues, the prodigy kid was taken aboard Lord Steffon Baratheon’s Ship. As we now know, everyone aboard the ship got killed including the lord, his lady and over 100 soldiers and sailors. Patchface washed up three days later, his naked skin white, wrinkled, and, the man that found him, Jornmy, swears to his dying day that the FOOL’S SKIN WAS CLAMMY COLD. They had taken him for dead, but then he coughed up water, albeit broken in mind and body; the ordeal had taken his memories, and half his wit. Now he is subject to twitches and trembles and is mostly incoherent. What happened to him during the two days is unknown, but the fisher folk like to say: “a mermaid had taught him to breathe water in return for his seed.”

A brilliant boy was driven mad after 3 days on the bottom of the sea; somewhat similar to the mad Ranger who saw the White Walkers in the beginning of the series. Our guess…he saw the White Walkers army lurking in the depths and went crazy. Here are two quotes:

“In the dark the dead are dancing.”

“I will lead it. We will march into the sea and out again. Under the waves we will ride seahorses, and mermaids will blow seashells to announce our coming, oh, oh, oh. “

“What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder, stronger”

Therefore, the Drowned God and The Great Other might actually be the same entity. If this is true then R’lhor is in conflict with The Great Other / The Drowned God and this is something that would nicely explain why Melissandre fears Patchface and constantly sees him in the flames, which also ties in nicely with the idea that Jon Snow is in fact the champion of The Great Other. Everything comes down to religion duality – R’hllor being the destruction and The Great Other being the source of life.

“Under the sea the crows are white as snow”

“Under the sea it snows up, and the rain is dry as bone. I know. I know… “

We hypothesis something is happening at the bottom of the sea…

“Under the sea, the birds have scales for feathers.”

“Under the sea, smoke rises in bubbles, and flames burn green and blue and black,”

We hypothesis White Walkers (made of ice = water) will not come just from Beyond the Wall but from the sea surrounding Westeros too. This would further confirm our claim that The Wall does not have the function we were led to believe – defending the realm from the Others – but is in fact a plain sight hideaway for the ice dragon, which will prove to be the ultimate weapon against R’hllor and his champion’s dragons.

But why did the White Walkers decide to “wake up” now? It is my belief that the Starks are tied to the White Walkers via bloodmagic, same way Targaryens are tied to the dragons via bloodmagic. I believe Bran the Builder had something to do with that and I believe he had help from the Children of the Forest. I believe that White Walkers, just like men, have a prophecy they are following. This prophecy foretells the story of a Northern boy born from Bran the Builder’s lineage that will become the only means to saving the North. He will be born at the dawn of House Stark destruction. Therefore, rebirth of dragons is not the White Walker’s concern, especially since we know that during the age of Targaryen rule White Walkers kept silent. Their primarily concern is the extinction of House Stark, family they are tied to via bloodmagic and destined to protect due to the treaty signed several thousands of years ago. Following the idea that the history is, for most part, a fabrication, it is my belief that we were lead to believe White Walkers are this evil zombie horde, when in fact they are not. I am not saying they are the ultimate “good guys” but I am saying that they are not the Orclike evil either. This of course heavily depends on the leader. And, considering everything we have seen so far, who better than Jon Snow?
UPDATE: That said, I don’t believe Daenerys Targaryen is the ultimate “evil” either. There is no such thing in this story (except perhaps Joffrey and Ramsay) however, she gave me no reason to trust her judgment or her ruling, political and diplomatic abilities. She is stubborn, proud, short sighted, entitled and cares only about being the Queen regardless of her wish to aid the common people (which she also failed in the Slaver’s Bay). Her speech about breaking the wheel, her hatred towards people in Westeros, her lack of knowledge about this place, her proneness towards casting judgment onto the people and cultures she knows nothing about is astonishing. All these things are what separates her from Jon Snow at the end of the day. Among many other things.And like she said, she is the queen and not the politician. In order for this to work, for peace to take place, a diplomat and a politician with the touch of heroism and integrity is needed. And that is not Daenerys Targaryen. It is my belief that she will, most likely lose her life in the battle at the Wall, as she has foreseen in her House of Undying prophecies (from the show) and join her family thus getting the happy end she deserves.


NOTE: Daenerys can’t be burned, yes, but GRRM said this is a one-time thing, the magic of dragon birth, which enabled her to stay unharmed. Her resistance to fire doesn’t have to be taken literally and therefore, I wouldn’t be using Jon’s burned arm as a proof for debunking the theory.

P.S. This is just a  theory. It is written for fun. At the end of the day we all like the same story…so no need for rudeness. Relax and enjoy the discussion.

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Written by: Monika Ponjavić and Bruno Guedes Pereira

271 thoughts on “Game of Thrones: Jon Snow will lead the army of White Walkers against Daenerys Targaryen and her Dragons

  1. […] theory was first published on my previous blog, on 31. of July, 2013. Monika […]

    • I don’t believe this is completely wrong or right. In the books, we see that the real true and pure creatures are the greenseers or children of the forest, and as the old nan says, they are the only ones who knew how to fight the white walkers. We know now in the book, that Bloodraven is surrounded by these beautiful, child-like creatures, and that they helped Brand and his friends against wights of the Other’s army, so I don’t see a possible alliance of both. The white walkers and company have always been presented as evil in the books, and we know that the last HERO was haunted by ice spiders.

      • I will add this quote of history of the children of the forest to my comment:
        Eventually the First Men and the children fought one another to a standstill. The two races agreed to peaceful coexistence and signed the Pact on the Isle of Faces, granting the open lands to humanity and the forests to the children.
        The Pact lasted for 4,000 years before the enigmatic Others invaded from the uttermost north, bringing death and destruction to both races, during an extended period of winter known as the Long Night. The children of the forest joined with the First Men, lead by the last hero, to fight against the Others in the Battle for the Dawn. Eventually the Others were driven back into the Lands of Always Winter.

      • mognetic says:

        Yes, but. In the books Martin was very careful when talking about history. He, repeatedly said (in the text, in his interviews and in the history of Westeros) that these stories are not to be taken literally. If you think about them logically there is a lot of inconsistencies there, as it is in the real history. These events occurred 8000 years ago which is a long time. Especially if we are talking about the time during which Maester (who ruled Westeros when it comes tot he written word) probably changed certain events so they would fit their side of the story. I think the real truth is lost. I will believe White Walkers (who are widely misunderstood as the writer has said repeatedly) are mindless killers only when I see that happening in the present time. They have never, not once, in the books or the show, gave me the reason to hate them or fear them. Not like Joffrey did. Not like Ramsay did. Not like the Boltons and Freys did. Not like Tywin did. Not like Targaryens did. So, until that time…when I learn what their agenda is and who they and first hand then I will believe it. Georger has kept them away from us for all this time and he did it on purpose. He also said that during the next book we will go further up North and meet them. If they end up being “evil” so be it. But I don’t think their name is “Other” for no reason. You know…I don’t like to judge anyone and I don’t like to form an opinion before I have all pieces of the puzzle in my hands. Considering I haven’t heard their side of the story I have to assume innocent until proven guilty. And no, we do not know that the last Hero was haunted by ice spiders. We can assume since one character told us the story but this character was not there and has no means to confirm this and prove it as a fact. History and life and media have taught me to think with my head and question…question everything until I reach the truth. 🙂

      • Well this is what George Martin actually wrote about them: “The Others are not dead. They are strange, beautiful… think, oh… the Sidhe made of ice, something like that… a different sort of life… inhuman, elegant, dangerous”. As you can see, he agrees that they are dangereous. I get that this description doesn’t mean evil, but I believe is not enough to get as far as you get in your theory.
        And don’t forget that the children of men are inmortal and that Bloodraven has the ability to go as far as he wants in the past, so if, as we have saw in the books and the series, they are protecting from dead creatures risen by the others, I don’t think they are going to be much better creatures than they look like. I will read again Bran’s last chapters to have a more concise opinion.
        I would also like you to pay some atention in the last things that Mormot’s bird said to Jon Snow, it happened at the begining of his chapter before the last. The bird was saying: -Corn, King, Snow- -Jon Snow, Jon Snow- and this was the first time he heard the raven saying his name. Maybe somebody knows Jon is going to be king.. but king of what?

      • I think I was right 😉

  2. grounekow says:

    Dragons are born of human sacrifice, all three Jon, Daenerys and Tyrion’s mothers have died in birth, If all three have Targaryen blood, you have your three heads.
    Dreams and prophecies have shown Jon fighting AGAINST the WW, so there goes that theory. I don’t think they’ll twist the story that much, sometimes it’s just right there in front of you.
    As for WW being misunderstood, they were likely the first inhabitants of Westeros until the first men, then the andals. Don’t forget the story is based on the British Isles’ history. Hadrian’s wall was put there when they couldn’t push the invasion further up north.
    Whether there is a dragon underneath it or whatever, i don’t know, but i doubt it very much, as nice as it could be. WW could very well have their own Ice Dragon.
    For all i know, WW could just as well be Valeryans. Ice and Fire burn the same.

    • mognetic says:

      Hence it is called a theory 🙂
      You know, Daenerys saw Rhaegar holding Aegon saying he is The Prince that was Promised. Then Aegon died. Then he emerged again. Alive. In the fifth book. And now, he is more likely to be a Blackfyre than Rhaegar’s son. So….nothing in this story is so straightforward. This story is, for most part, about othering. Othering in general, which is still very present now, in the modern age, real life. As a member of a certain nation I was othered and demonized, throughout history and in the media. Even my recent history, the one I participated in, is being twisted and turned and what came out of it and into the western world is vastly exaggerated, not to mention fabricated. So I will keep thinking out of the box and have fun while I do it…if you don’t mind. 😉

      • grounekow says:

        No problem. 😀 As coming from a nation of first men backed and cornered by Andals, i empathise.
        I see the others and the children of the forest ad the westeros version of the Celtic inhabitants, that the Anglo-Saxons called welsh (from the words “walh” meaning other) all the celts. They’re probably similar the same way britons, picts and gaels are (and let’s not forget they inspired Tolkien’s elves as well..)

      • mognetic says:

        I agree. I know hat Martin modeled the Others upon Aos si or Sidhe, elvish creatures from irish mythology you are probably familiar with? Anyways, I think there is a big reason why we know so much about almost everyone and everything in this saga except for: 1. The Others, 2. The Children of the Forest, 3. Brynden Rivers or Bloodraven (half Balckwood half Targaryen), 4. What happened to Benjen Stark and 5. Who is Jon’s mother. These are the information kept away from us on purpose. And North is the epicenter of the saga. The story begins there and it will likely end there. Or so I hope. I just want the Starks to survive this and established their Kingdom once and again. I think the Others (White Walkers) are a perfect mean for that end. 🙂

      • grounekow says:

        Erg, not first men, children of the forest. I tend to mix them up.

  3. […] as a team. There is, however, also the suggestions that they might end up fighting each other, so if you are looking for something a little more complex, please go here. Fair warning: Your mind will be blown. I had to read this twice before I got (I think) most of […]

  4. Tahi says:

    Nice theory.

    When you are talking about ice dragons being bigger than fire dragons you are missing one “small” thing. GRRM besides fire dragons and ice dragons writes also about even bigger sea dragons (remember Naga’s bones). After all, dragon has three heads.

    One more thing, ice dragon is not in the wall but in the Winterfell.


    • mognetic says:

      Do we know for the fact that the Ice dragon is under Winterfell? If so, can you link me to that information? I think something is happening in Winterfell for sure. The storm radiating from within is peculiar. But then again, Bran the Builder built both of them.

      • grounekow says:

        Oh, didn’t they mention when Bran et al were stuck in the crypt stairs that went below ? I can’t remember, long time no read. Although, i would think an ice dragon would be below winterfell since it’s mostly fed warthm with the hot springs, no ?

    • grounekow says:

      mention something*

  5. So… This would make Jon Snow = Arthas… The Lich King.

    • Elyse Frances Enger says:

      Yes a variation on Arthas, but much less war-hungry and more diplomatic.

  6. […] They gave us those Benjen promos for this shit?! Why do the good commanders always get mutinied by their own men? I thought for sure Alliser wouldn’t participate, what happened to his character development? Why even let Jon back through the gates if he was going to murder him anyway after all the wildlings are on this side of the Wall? What changed from last episode? Alliser went from “I hate you, but I respect your position” to “I need to kill this guy right now.” Where are the wildlings? The giant?! Tormund?! You think the wildlings would be invested in keeping Jon alive seeing as he’s the only reason they’re allowed to be past the Wall. Where’s Ghost?! Is he with Sam still?! Who carved the “traitor” sign?! Or was it in storage from a previous use? At least they didn’t stab him in the back… Alliser – “For the watch.” Gets stabed…gets stabbed 5 more times. Jon – “Olly…” His last words are Olly! So lame, they should have been “Sam…or Winter is Coming.” I can practically hear Sam’s advice going off in Olly’s head before he stabs Jon. Now Jon only got stabbed 6 times in the chest, heck Meryn Trant got stabbed a dozen times by Arya and lived longer than Jon… Just saying, people have lived from worse…okay, maybe not. If you look carefully at the end his eyes turn blue at the last second, but even if he’s dead now I don’t think he’s done. Here’s a very interesting theory on what the next step for a dead Jon could be. […]

  7. Wow that was a long post but well worth the read. I am not however reading over 200 comments so I apologize if I am asking something which has already been answered. What are your thoughts on how Tyrion plays into this story? Until the more solidified death of Jon Snow than in the book, I honestly believed that Jon, Dany, and Tyrion were the three-headed dragon and I liked that theory. I don’t agree with a lot of the theory you posted but I love the creativity and I would like to see much of it happen in the next book and season. Thanks for sharing!!

    • pumpkin says:

      If you believe Jon, Dany and tyrion are the three heads then which dragon is Bran going to fly/warg?

      • grounekow says:

        Bran the Ice Dragon and Theon the Sea Dragon ?

      • pumpkin says:

        Theon is going to die soon. He’s half dead now anyway. Bran the ice dragon is plausible. But has GRRM ever acknowledged an ice dragon on ASOIAF? I read his childrens story about the ice dragon but its a kids story.

      • grounekow says:

        Ah, but he’s not dead YET. You never know, he might get out of this one again. Or drown and thus sacrifice his life to the drowned god waking up his Sea Dragon. Who Knows.
        As for the Ice Dragon, it might be a child story, but much of nan’s stories have got truth to them.

      • pumpkin says:

        Did nan mention the ice dragon? Was it ever mentioned in ASOIAF? I can’t remember. Bran will die?? How? He’s in a tree.

      • grounekow says:

        He doesn’t need to die, there just has to have a sacrifice.

        “The wind was gusting, cold as the breath of the ice dragon in the tales Old Nan had told when Jon was a boy.”

    • Elyse Frances Enger says:

      Tyrion will betray Dany for the gold of Casterly Rock after he has seen Dany’s true nature, how selfish and short-sighted she is and how she has failed to live up to her promises.

      • pumpkin says:

        He will betray Dany for gold of CR? Wouldn’t he have to kill her if he betrayed her? Dany doesn’t deal well with betrayal. Ask Mormont. Can u elaborate on how u think this betrayal will go down? Also why have Tyrion meet and like Jom if they are not going to meet up again?

      • Elyse Frances Enger says:

        He will want to use the gold to buy food, but Dany won’t let him, I think. She may want to keep the gold for her own selfish purposes, and in the process, Tyrion will see the real truth of what Dany is; a diva who doesn’t care for people’s needs. This will result in a rift that causes Tyrion to betray Dany to get the money to feed the small folk.

      • pumpkin says:

        And Dany will say ‘okay’ and fly away on her dragon?

      • Elyse Frances Enger says:

        Yes and this action will indirectly result in Rhaegal’s death. I see the dragon’s fate as being similiar to Myrcella’s death. He may be killed by a poisoned arrow, just as the girl was killed by a poisoned kiss by Ellaria Sand in the TV show in reliation for Oberyn Martell, Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen’s death, and as a way to spit in Dany’s face, just as Myrcella’s death was a slap in the face for Cersei.

      • pumpkin says:

        Why would Dorne hate any Targaryan?

      • Elyse Frances Enger says:

        I will explain that Dorne will come to hate Targaryens in the upcoming books because Danaerys let Quentyn burn in the flames of her dragons, and it will get worse when in the DoTD 2.0 Dany destroys the Martells for supporting Faegon. Tyrion may see that they didn’t know Aegon was fake, and was conned, but Dany won’t be that sympathetic. She is vindictive and has the potential to be very cruel. And the game of thrones will extract a toll on Dany, emotionally, psychologically and morally.

        As Monika has said, she is proud, stubborn, short-sighted and she has the potential to end up going insane. Jon grew up in a environment that neutralized many of the negative traits that Dany currently have, and the show shows it in how Jon chose to execute Jano Slynt himself, while Dany let Daario execute Marsalen, and she looked away and flinched. This foreshadows that Dany will lose the sense that death is permanent, and that to revive someone require a heavy price; a life for a life.

        Jon, in choosing to execute Janos Slynt himself, won’t lose the sense of death’s permanency, and understands better that an execution isn’t something to be taken lightly, something that Aerys II Targaryen, Joffrey Baratheon, Dany and many Southron lords forget.

        When she comes to Westeros to retake her throne, Dany may kill a great many people, and not even realize that her actions is turning the rest of Westeros against her, and when she kill more innocent people in a way that resembles genocide, even her own advisors may turn against her because they understand that she is turning into a tyrant. Many will even compare her to Maegor the Cruel, Rhaenyra, and her father because they were the kings that cause their subjects to rebel.

        So in a sense, Dany is blind to the results that using violence against people begets; more blood and more resentment.

      • grounekow says:

        Oh well, if that’s what’s going to happen in the books. I’ll probably send them back to the author with a bit of horse dung cause that’s the most unthrilling devellopment of story possible. It’s anti-climatic….
        (I’m just being sarcastic because you are presenting this as if it was a fact that this will happen.)
        As far as i’m concerned Daario is the most likely to betray Dany for the gold. I mean look at all the flashy and cockyness of the character. Also, she’s likely betrayed by people she trust and love, clearly she’s not there yet with Tyrion.

      • Elyse Frances Enger says:

        I think Daario will die in the Battle for Mereen.

      • grounekow says:

        ….what battle for Mereen ?

      • Steelsong says:

        Half of the comments I see are an opinion based on scenes from the show or book that are tailored to suit an ending that the specific reader is invested in. I watch people acknowledge some things and not others in their pursuit to justify their theories, yet is a theory really sound if you must pick and choose which parts to acknowledge? The answer is no, and the more willful ignorance of the show/books theme, character development, and direction, the more completely outlandish these theories sound. The fact of the matter is, we have very little to no information on the others, children of the forest, dragons, gods, etc. the author is keeping those secrets for the third act, which we are about to enter into. For the complexity of the story and characters to end “everybody gets a dragon, hops on it, and gets into a big fight to decide everything” is as juvenile as “twilight”. Combining the things from the book and show to suit the ending you would like to see, is not a theory, it’s fanfiction at that point. Most people posting and commenting here don’t even seem to have a decent grasp of the text, and as a result, go off of mostly show material or pick small supporting passages from text to support their “ice dragon dreams”.

  8. pumpkin says:

    I don’t think your wrong cause Dany has to be betrayed for gold. But she isn’t going to ignore the betrayal.

    • srhlafleur says:

      Have not read the books, but I just can’t agree that Dani is a tyrant or will become one. She is the mother of dragons and though Jon Snow is built upon the honor and integrity of the Stark code Dani’s story is one that connects both the audience of the show as well as the characters in it (her follower sorry forget his name believes in her when she hatches a dragon, Tyrian a lanister sees her mount the dragon and he too believes in her, she proves herself with the darthraki…) and her heroism is made evident by her ability to walk through cruelty and adversity though she may be a diva at times. I also don’t agree that she is not a diplomat, Tyrion remarks in the show how wise her thinking is in deciding to marry the man from mereen, she is learning to be diplomatic by ruling there. What we have seen from Dani so far is that every time she has gambled and trusted her intuition she has conquered. She too is quite the epic hero. She is the only rightful compatible parallel to Jon Snow, with where that sense of duty she may lack she makes up for her in her sense of emotionalism and love. She is the mother of dragons and when she trusts her power and claims it for herself she succeeds (freeing and gettjnf the unsullied…). Thoughts?

      • pumpkin says:

        Her dragon kill children. She makes a remark in the books like her dragons are monsters and she is the mother of monsters. The author is showing you how someone becomes bad. Most people are not born that way. I’m not saying Dany is going to become 100%/evil but she will not come back from her tdragon ride the same as she was. By the way, in the books she gets peace in Mereen and hates it. She wants to secretly kill everyone. All I have to say is read the books. The show is completely different. This season its so different and stupid its absurd. Read a dance with dragons at least. Let’s not forget her father was mad either.

      • mognetic says:

        Then read the books. She is a different person in the show. She is the mother of dragons (nuclear weapon) who gave green light so innocent girls are tortured in front of their own father for information. What kind of hero does that? Half the time she doesn’t know what she is doing. The other half she is demonstrating her power. She breaks her word at every corner. In the books people died because of her and in great numbers. She liberated slaves and then half of them died of hunger and sickness and the other half was split in two. One was selling themselves back into slavery and the other one she well took in for food and shelter with no pay. Isn’t that another form of slavery? Hypocricy much? None of that was shown in the show.
        So that is the principal difference between the two of them. She has good heart. She has good intentions. But somehow she fails at things. Epically.
        As for her and Tyrion (who rolled his eyes half the time) well, they never met. The show is the show. I am using the books for my theory. The show is a cheaper version of it. In the show Stannis actually killed his daughter. And in the show Daeenrys actually forced Hizdar to marry her. Not in the books tho. + She is a Targaryen. They are conquerers. They are former sheepherders who found the way to manipulate bloodmagic and control dragons with it. With this power they conquered the entire world. She is doing the same. It is just, you are not on the other side of the coin. I think that she is not a villain per se. But I don’t think she is a hero either. And in the end it will not be about heroes and villains it will be about a personal struggle within each character and so far the only people that are winning are Jon, Bran, Sansa and Davos. So we shall see.
        And let’s not forget…Anakin Skywalker was born with the potential of becoming the greatest jedi that ever lived. The context of his life made him into Darth Vader. No one is born evil or bad. It is the journey that defines you. Her journey is not a hero journey, not in a classical sense. Jon’s is. And after all, Jon literally witnessed his entire family getting killed. And look at him. Still good and just. Daenerys was not even born when it happened. And look at her. Consumed with her desire to destroy the usurper and his lap dog’s family (Starks). It is ridiculous.

      • Elyse Frances Enger says:

        Read my comment above regarding Dany and the comparisons between Jon’s and Dany’s executions again. I explained that the scenes where Dany has Daario execute Marsalen and she looked away and flinched foreshadows that she will not understand that death is permanent and cannot be undone without a heavy price; that price is a life for another.

        Jon’s choice to execute Jano Slynt himself, foreshadows how he will not lose that understanding that death is permanent, and that in the long run, the people of Westeros will turn to him and not Dany because he is a fair, just and hard ruler, something that Dany is not.

      • Steelsong says:

        Jon never witnessed a single family member killed in the books or the show. He knows what happened to his family, but by no means did he witness any of it. He received the information of what happened to his family from secondary sources; Jon is an all around good dude, but you’re projecting things I. Him that never happened. Jon was at the wall before Ned was killed and every subsequent death to the stark family happened afterward. He never even saw the dead body of a family member.

  9. Mr-Ed says:

    An Interesting theory but the Night’s Watch have ALWAYS burn dead bodies even those killed for desertion – a tradition the reason for which is confirmed by the reappearance of the White Walkers.- i.e. to prevent corpse reanimation. More likely, John will be reborn in the fire of his own funeral pior probably with a young dragon (or two) to boot from an egg or eggs planted by someone – probably by Melisandre the red priestess.

    • Mo says:

      It is very likely. I would not rule out the possibility. Either way, “dying in a crypt” or “dying in a funeral” makes little to no difference. It is a mere detail. I only mentioned the crypts because of Bran’s dream which I found interesting….as a metaphor. Also, now I have a reason to believe that he will be taken to the Wildings don south. Who knows? My point is that he is somehow, via his Stark blood, connected to the White Walkers. How will he get there doesn’t matter.

  10. One of the most complete theories I’ve ever read, really well done.

  11. kblane88 says:

    Your entire theory is based on Jon/Dany being born around the tragedy at Summerhall. That is wildly incorrect. Summerhall happened in 259, Jon/Dany weren’t born until 283/284

    • Mo says:

      I suggest you read again. And pay attention. 🙂

      • Elyse Frances Enger says:

        Exactly; Do you recognize that Aerys was ordered to marry Rhaella by their father Jaeherys? This act destroyed the Mad King’s life.

        Now look toward Cersei’s prophecy; it predefined her life, and now her sanity is sliding down the tracks. Aerys and Cersei’s madness over the prophecies that defined their lives directly foreshadows Dany’s own mental instability.

        GRRM is going to deconstruct Dany’s dependence on prophecy, and maybe reveal that the original Amethyst Empress wasn’t the victim, as told in the World book of ASOIAF but really the one who brought her empire to a end by trusting in prophecies and omens, and that she became paranoid and highly mentally unstable as an result.

        And may I propose that the fire moon’s death is an metaphor for the Targaryen lineage ending, while the Ice moon becoming stone after a comet hits it may represent the Stark lineage surviving?

  12. Elyse Frances Enger says:

    The important element to note that there were originally two moons. The Amethyst Empress is a metaphorical representation of the fire moon, and that fire is often linked to anger and action driven by emotions. Sometimes it can be good, but often in tragedies emotions cause people to do things that in the long term, is destructive, both to the self and to others.

    Cersei’s actions is a testimony to this fact, and I fear that Dany’s character may share a similiar fate; being betrayed by someone who was once an ally.

    Will Jon serve as Dany’s metaphorical valonqar in the same vein as Jaime to Cersei’s? I certainly think so; the House of the Undying prophesied that Dany will suffer three betrayals.

    What if the betrayal for blood means someone will betray her for a family member? It would be likely Victarion after he has realized that the Iron Isles’s ways is hindering his people.

    The second betrayal, will involve gold to purchase something for the small folk; Tyrion would certainly serve this role. The fact is that the people are starving, and he may have begun to see Dany for the hypocrite she really is.

    The third betrayal is Jon; maybe he cannot bear to see the people suffer under another mad ruler, and he put Dany out of her misery. This is the third betrayal, for the love of the land he lived in all his life.

    This is my observations, and it deserves to be heard.

    • Steelsong says:

      I don’t think the main story of ASOIAF is hinges upon the supplementary “the world of ice and fire” book. The book is basically a companion to the main series, and when asked previously about “the world of ice and fire” being canon, George R.R. Martin said that the main book series takes precedent over any supplementary books written as companions to the series. In affect, GRRM has stated to us that “TWOIAF” doesn’t primarily figure into the current story/series, which is why I don’t believe info from that book isn’t really set in stone when it comes to the future of the series.
      GRRM has some faults but I highly doubt he’s naive to the fact that, if you have to write a story companion book for readers to understand the story, then you’ve probably failed at rule #1 of writing; which is concisely expressing your ideas.

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